Friday 25 September 2015

Settling In

After being in Brussels just over two weeks now (this blog thing is new to me), apart from the empty Strepsil packets and putting on a couple of pounds from the several waffles with Nutella and a pint a night; I am settling in well in my new home for the next five months.

For those of you who happen to stubble across my blog, I am Izzy, an erasmus student from Camberwell College of Arts London, now studying at The Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts (yes i just copy and pasted that) in Brussels. 

In answer to my question, Belgian's speak dutch, french and flemish, and in Brussels the majority of people speak French. So far I have mastered the pronunciation of "Parlez-vous anglais?"

Before leaving the UK i managed to find myself a room in a student house situated in St Gilles, a lovely picturesque neighbourhood. Little did i know that there were 25 others in the student house, but thankfully we have a cleaner every week. 

" Copyright © (Isabel Ferguson) (23/09/2015) all rights reserved "

Upon arrival I discovered what looked like a castle behind my new home, until I noticed the barbed wire circling the high walls. On the plus side my house is on the same street as a police station, but that was enough exploring for one day.